Sunday, April 29, 2007

Because really, I just suck

So yeah, I forgot my Blogger ID and genenerally have been very blahhhhh about blogging for oh, the past 6 months.

I suppose blogging was very useful and theraputic when I was having a shit time at work. But now that I've switched jobs and am kicking ass (and no longer have any major travel plans)- I've left my blog behind.

Which is pretty pathetic really.

So, here's a short summary of what I'm up to (or not up to) lately.

  • not swimming. at all. not even working out really. and not really feeling guilty about it (or gaining weight as a result of not working out, so see, why should I motivate myself?)
  • managed to give myself a $10k pay raise just by switching jobs. color me impressed.
  • am a project manager for a large project - tracked to be "program manager" in a few years. assuming everything works according to plan.
  • travel plans for 2007 - cozumel in May for a wedding. Colo in August for a wedding (side trip will be camping in the Rockies). Buffalo, NY in Oct (?) for a wedding (sense a theme?).
  • potental international adventure for 2008 - Chile with a side trip to Antarctica. just so I can say I've been there, done that.
  • ummmm, working. lots. but I'm cool with that.
  • buying way too many bath products. Lush and Isle of Eden are leading the expenditures. but my skin is soft and I smell good.

And that, IFFs is pretty much the sum of what's been going on. See, nothing extremely blog-worthy.

I will try to do better now, especially now that I reset my Blogger password and everything.

1 comment:

  1. call me when you're in co!! what company are you with now?
